July 26, 2011

Community Mediation Webinar Series

Advanced Community Mediation Trainings, 
Direct to You!

Community mediation program administrators are some of the hardest working professionals in our field. Every day they undertake the seemingly Sisyphean task of nurturing and embedding greater conflict competence within their diverse communities. Many programs do so understaffed and on significantly under-supported budgets. And yet, despite substantial hurdles along the way, these professionals and their dedicated volunteers accomplish wonderful victories for peace one renewed relationship, one enhanced local policy, and one empowered neighbor at a time.

Unfortunately, given the variably affronted and repeatedly attenuated budgets as of late, community mediation programs have increasingly fewer resources to reinvest in their staffs' professional development. Juxtapose this with nearly two decades of commentary detailing the overworked, overstressed nature of community mediation administration, along with more recent research noting marked increases in specialized service demand at such programs, and the need for accessible, affordable training is not only necessary for current administrators' professional development, but also core to the very advancement of our field.

Continuing its tenured role as an advocate for and innovator within our field, NAFCM is excited to announce the initial stages of its new Community Mediation Webinar Series! This exciting new Series is designed to specifically answer the demands facing those programs seeking to responsibly and smartly invest in their administrators' continued development. Using intuitive technology, this Webinar Series will bring valuable trainings directly to program staff - eliminating the expenses and downtime associated with traditional out-of-the-office conferences and training sessions. It will extend and compliment NAFCM's successful Teleseminar Series, Regional Training Institutes, and other efforts that regularly and widely share fresh material to community mediators and program administrators.

Share Your Expertise: Call For Proposals

Not limited to merely conveying packaged trainings, NAFCM wants to incorporate your unique expertise into the Webinar Series. We're looking for program administrators who have a special skill set, programmatic focus, or well-earned wisdom they're willing to share with colleagues. Through August, we will be accepting topic proposals to be included in this exciting new Series. Take a look at our Webinar Series Request for Proposals and consider what you can share with the field. When you're ready to propose a topic, complete this simple Proposal Form.

Webinar topic proposals must be received by Wednesday, August 31st.  Soon thereafter we look forward to revealing additional Series details, including our initial schedule of informative webinar trainings!

In community,
Executive Director, NAFCM

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